Waynesville Rotary will meet on Friday, February 7th at Laurel Ridge Country Club.
Our speaker will be Celesa Willett of Haywood County United Way.
Please note: Our inclement weather policy is now in effect through March 31st. If Haywood Community College is closed, our weekly meeting is automatically canceled.
Waynesville Rotary's Poor Man Supper has been rescheduled for March 6th. Scroll down to see the flyer!
We may be reached via USPS at PO Box 1590, Waynesville, NC 28786; by email at wayrotary.execsecretary@gmail.com; and by FAX at 828-348-5538. Voice mail may be left at 828-423-0245. This contact information is also relevant for the Waynesville Rotary Foundation.
Banner photo courtesy: Yount
Waynesville Rotary believes in "Service Above Self" and base our local and global services on that value. Locally, we provide scholarships for students at the community college and university levels, provide backpacks of food to children who otherwise wouldn't have something to eat on weekends, and provide construction and other projects through United Way Day of Caring and Habitat for Humanity. These are just a few of our community service initiatives.
Recent Community Services:
Proceeds from the Poor Man's Supper annual event serves multiple community service projects carried out by Waynesville Rotary Club.
2024 United Way Day of Caring - constructed garbage containment structure for local group home.
April 2024 Manna Backpack Project
Food boxes/bags are delivered weekly, when school is “in-person"
3 Fridays; (spring break)
10 Rotarian Drivers went to 8 schools.
Bags of food for 960 students were delivered. The bags weighed in at approximately 2,400 pounds of food. 26 volunteer-hours and an estimated 432 miles were driven in service of the project.
Mountain Projects - Coats for Kids 2023
Christmas Food baskets provided in conjunction with Haywood/Sunrise Rotaries (523 baskets delivered 2022 at cost of $25250.00) The 26 year total now stands at 10,446 families served at a cost of $266,292.00
Blankets for Mtn. Projects "warmth" efforts (in excess of 1000 blankets donated/distributed 2024 by all service clubs including clubs around the country.)
Are you passionate about what we're doing? Let us know! We are always looking for new members to help us make our vision a reality. We'll help you find a way to volunteer that best suits you. We're excited to have you join the team!
Whether you help through monetary donations, volunteering your time such as ringing the bell for the Salvation Army, or spreading our mission through word-of-mouth, thank you. We couldn't accomplish our goals without the help of supporters like you.